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Falling Snow



Falling snow is my latest game, created during the last Ludum Dare. I didn't get much completed but I have created the groundwork for what could be a fun story-based game.


The feedback I have received is people seem interested to see where it goes and for once in a long time so am I. I don't know how long I will continue to work on it but for now, this is my current project.


The plan for this game is to be a story-based 2D survival game set in a snowy apocalypse. You play as a man who thinks he is the only survivor in the winter wasteland although when he gets a strange transmission it potentially proves his theory wrong.


My friend Maya helped out with this game again, however as she wasn't able to commit as much time she only created the fabulous character portrait you see when you interact with an object. I also had an online friend who helped create music for the game.


The downfall was simply forgetting how to pace myself correctly and running out of time as the plan was way too ambitious for a game jam.

(click on a games Gif or Image to go to its page)


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